1. Symptom:
Encountering error code 4001 when logging in or trying to access ECU Upgrade or S/W Management.
2. Cause:
The error message may occur if the diagnostic equipment lacks or has a non-current security certificate required for secure vehicle communication
3. Solutions:
Background Download of Security Certificate: Since the security certificate is downloaded in the background when you log in again, please quit the program, restart the diagnostic tool, log in while Wi-Fi is connected, and check again after a few minutes. (The security certificate download is not visible.)
If the same issue occurs after re-logging in, please try re-logging in after connecting to an unsecured network like a hotspot.
If an aftermarket device (such as a black box) is installed, please try removing it and re-trying a feature of S/W Management.
Please try removing the vehicle battery negative terminal (for more than 10 minutes) and re-trying.
If the issue persists even after trying the above methods, please contact customer service: ics@gitauto.com