1. Symptom: I got the error message, "Failed(Code:ChangeVciMode Failed)" while performing ECU upgrade.
2. Cause: VCI II connection failure
3. Solution: Check VCI II conneciton. If you have another VCI II, please connect another VCI II on OBD connector of the vehicle and perform ECU upgrade.
1) If it works with another VCI II properly, the previous VCI II is defective. It must be repaired.
2) If you still have the same error with another VCI II, please contact us by email with additional information required below.
- ECU event number or TSB number
- Log files
a. path: internal storage\nvcidata\log
b. zip the [log]folder and send it to us by email.
In case the above workaround doesn't resolve the issue, please contact your distributor or GIT assistance at following email for further support.
: Asia, Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Europe, Oceania, Central America, South America, Territory of U.S.A(Guam, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Saipan, and East Samoa)