[Before Begin]
1. This version of Setup manager is only for Europe-General region.
If you are in American region or others, please ignore this post.
2. This guide is written for customers who want to install via USB stick due to limited internet environment.
If you want to installg GDS Smart/KDS2.0 with Online only. Please refer to the guides with below.
[Hyundai] GDS Smart Install Guide
If you want to download Setup Manager Guide as your language, please see the followings.
1. Please connect USB stick to install Setup manager.
2. You can find the 'GDSN_SetupManager.exe'. on USB stick
3. Please run ''GDSN_SetupManager.exe' to install Setup Manger, and press 'Next' button.
4. Press the 'Install' button,and It will take a few minutes.
5. Press 'Finish' button. Then, Installation will be done.
6. You can see the 'Setup Manager' on the Desktop, and run 'Setup Manager'.
7. Enter your provided license key.
The program may be terminated after inputting license key, then, please restart Setup Manager.
8. Setup Manager will check out the version itself.
If it needs to be updated, It will be carried out.
9. Self Update is being performed, and the program will be restarted.
10. It shows your version of contents depending on the license key.
11. Please select a USB path on the drop box.
Note that the USB storage should be empty.
If not, please remove or format all data of USB.
12. When the contents is lower than current version, it will be updated.
13. Press 'Download' button to update contents.
It will take some while up to the network environment.
14. Update files are being downloaded.
15. When USB is set up, you are ready to install GDS Smart/KDS 2.0.
From now on, you are going to use 'Smart Launcher' on the tablet.
Please follow the installation guide as written on the images.
16. When you complete the installation, you are good to use GDS Smart/KDS 2.0 now.