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Borescope firmware update

Symptom : If you are using over Androd OS 11, you may not able to connect Borescope by Bluetooth.


Solution : Please follow the steps below.


1. Please run Borescope app on GDS Smart/KDS2.0


2. Turn on the Borescope.


3.  Change the device name on the second button


4. Edit the tablet name which is same as Borescope label code (ex.CODE 0aca)

Please find the label code on Borescope. 



<Borescope Code>

-> This step must  be performed over Android 11 OS.


5. Insert the code and search the device.


6. After connecting the Borescope, popup will occur.



7. Wait until firmware update is done.


Please be aware that previous version cannot be restored after update.

Note that Wifi-direct should be stable during update.






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