If mileage information is missing from generated e-report or GWMS, please follow the instructions below to inquire.
1. Verify the re-report number or VDN for the missing mileage.
2. Extract and compress the e-report data from the following path on the tablet to determine whether mileage transmission was omitted during vehicle diagnosis or if mileage information was missing when the e-report was sent:
A. Log file:
1) Go to the path[internal storage\nvci\temp].
2) You can find the folder, [eReportTemp]. compress the folder(eReportTemp)
B. VDN data file:
1) Go to the path [Internal storage\nvci] on your tablet PC.
2) You can find the folder, [vininfo]. compress the folder (vininfo)
C. Upload data
1) Go to the path [Internal storage\nvci\upload] on your tablet PC.
2) You can find the folder, [ereprot], [ereportsync] . compress two folders.
3. Send the compressed data to the GIT representative via email.(ics@gitauto.com)