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Can I install the GDS Smart/KDS 2.0 program on the tablet used as the GDS Mobile/KDS program?

※ Note: The OS of the tablet PC to be installed must be Android 8.0 or higher. The program cannot be installed on Android 8.0 or lower tablets.


Can I install the GDS Smart/KDS 2.0 program on a tablet that has the GDS Mobile/KDS program installed?

YES! You can install the GDS Smart/KDS 2.0 program using the tablet used as the existing GDS Mobile/KDS program.

However, when GDS Smart/KDS 2.0 installer is executed, if GDS Mobile/KDS program is installed, the program is deleted and then GDS Smart/KDS2.0 is installed.


In other words, only one program can be installed on one tablet.

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