1. Symptom : Status Code : INT00M1 appears when running GDS Smart or KDS 2.0
2. Cause : Running GDS Smart or KDS 2.0 after unsuccessful installation
3. Solution : Back to Smart Launcher and continue to install GDS Smart or KDS 2.0
Further resources:
- Installation Guide for GDS Smart
- Installation Guide for KDS 2.0
- Installation Guide for Genesis Smart
- Error messages while installing GDS Smart, KDS 2.0 and Genesis Smart
- Error messages for certain apk file installation
In case the above workaround doesn't resolve the issue, please contact your distributor or GIT assistance at following email for further support.
ics@gitauto.com for users in :
Asia, Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Europe, Oceania, Central America, South America, Territory of U.S.A(Guam, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Saipan, and East Samoa)