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How to Recover from Firmware Update Failure feat. Blue screen

Type ☐ Notification ☐ Repair ☑ Guidance Regions Covered

☑ GDS Smart/Mobile ☑ GENESIS Smart/Mobile ☑KDS 2.0

☑ Univeral Leak Tester(ULT-M100)

Date Issued (KST) 07-Nov-2024 Duration
Subject How to Recover from Firmware Update Failure ☐ Temporary ☑ Permanent


Symptom: The device displays blue screen with nothing or blinking with text of "ULT-M100".

Possible Causes of Firmware Update Failure:

  1. Temporary Bluetooth instability causing signal interruption.
  2. Power connection is interrupted due to external factors.

In these cases, you can recover by retrying the firmware update as below. 

Steps for Firmware Recovery:

  1. Connect the power to the ULT-M100 that encountered the firmware update failure and turn it on
  2. On the GDS menu, go to “BMS - Battery Control / High Voltage Battery Pack and Coolant Line Leak Test.”
  3. In the device connection screen, search for your ULT-M100. (Battery code does not need to be scanned for FW recovery)
    • FAQ_ULT-M100_How to Recover from Firware Update Failure_241107_1.jpg
    • FAQ_ULT-M100_How to Recover from Firware Update Failure_241107_2.jpg
  4. Upon attempting the connection, a screen will display checking firmware version. When connected, the device's blue light will turn on and FW update will be started. During the update, Yellow light will bilnk. If FW update is failed once again, please terminate dianotic app and ULT-M100 and back on the FW update.  FAQ_ULT-M100_How to Recover from Firware Update Failure_241107_3.jpg
  5. After completing FW update, you need to rescan and pair ULT-M100 to your tablet. 
    • FAQ_ULT-M100_How to Recover from Firware Update Failure_241107_4.jpg
  6. After selecting the device, tap "OK" and start diagnosis. 
    • FAQ_ULT-M100_How to Recover from Firware Update Failure_241107_5.jpg
  7. When the firmware update reaches 100%, the device will reboot, completing the update.



Please contact NSC for further assistance. 

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