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I was getting the message, "The tablet is not recognized at the time.", during GDS Mobile/KDS installation





    Please follow the instruction to reinstall PC Manager and GDS Mobile/KDS below.  



      Check the tablet recognition on PC. If tablet PC is not recognized on PC, check them below.  

        1. Disable antivirus program or security system on the PC.

        2. Check USB port.
             Connect tablet PC to PC via USB cable on another USB port on the laptop.

       3. Check USB cable.
            Connect tablet PC to PC via another USB cable to check USB cable condition.  

        4. Install Samsung tablet USB driver on the PC.
           Download the attachment file(SAMSUNG_USB_Driver_for_Mobile_Phones.exe) and install it and check if it is recognized properly. 

        5. Check tablet PC recognition on another PC. 
            Connect the tablet PC to another PC and check if it is recognized on it.
            Otherwise, connect another tablet PC to the PC and check if it is recognized on it. 

        6. If the tablet PC is recognized on PC Manager correctly, it must be connected as a [Media device]. Please check it below. 
           (1) Connect tablet PC to the PC via USB cable.

           (2) Check the tablet PC connection on portable device as below.  

(3) If it is [camera], it must be reset as [Media] on the tablet PC. Drag down the status bar from the top to the bottom on the tablet screen. You can check the connection status as below. Tab USB connection status.

        (4) Mark Media device(MTP) as below.

      (5) Move to PC and check the connection.  It will be displayed as portable media player as below.

     (6) Complete. Execute PC Manager and install GDS Mobile/KDS. 





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