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GDS doesn't start on loading pop-up window.


GDS doesn't proceed  to the next step on the loading pop-up windows.

Check GDS status on Task Scheduler 

1.  Go to [ Start ->Control Panel -> All Control Panel Items -> Administrative Tools -> Task Scheduler].


2. Open Task Scheduler.



There are two statuses on Task Scheduler as below:  

  • When GDS is not registered on Task Schuduler, follow the instruction below.  
       (1) Download '' file and unzip it. 
         (2) Click Right on the mouse and run as administrator. 
       (3) *Refresh Task Scheduler and check if GDS is registered as 'Ready' as below.


           - Click right button on the mouse on Task Scheduler and click "Refresh"
           - Press F5 on Task Scheduler

        (4) Check if GDS executes properly.  

  • When GDS is disable on Task Scheduler, follow the instruction below.  
    (1) Click right button on GDS item and click 'Enable' as below. 
     (2) GDS item will be ready. 
    (3) Check if GDS executes properly.
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