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When Internet update can not be performed, because Internet update button is disable.


When internet update can not be performed, because internet update button is disable.


1. After checking internet connection, please click 'Configuration' button which locate at top and right side.

2. Please click 'Dealer' tab which locate at top and middle side.

3. Please click 'Recertification' button which locate at middle of page.

4. Finally please enter GSW ID and password for certification.


* If your GDS does not show above prompt to insert GSW ID and password, please check your proxy detail as follows.

1. Please click 'configureation' button which locate at top and right side.

2. Please go to 'Server' tab. And configure your proxy server setting. And click 'Save' button.

User ID and User password may not need.

3. After save button, saved message will be appears as below.

4. Please go to main screen to check status.

5.And certify your GSW ID at configuration page.

If above method does not work, please feel free to ask GDS management team (

Thank you

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